The University of Naples L'Orientale agrees to IDEM service (IDEntity Management for federated access) managed by GARR, the first Italian Federation of Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI), which has the purpose to allow users of the scientific and academic community to access more easily to network services and contents, provided by different organizations.
The membership in IDEM gives to the final users the benefit to use only a single password to access all the available resources through the Federation, simplifying access procedures that become fully independent of where user is located.
The University of Pavia, becoming Federation member, also has the opportunity to reduce the cost for users management and the creation of new services, and the way to have more control on authentication and authorization processes.
Within IDEM Federation, GARR is the coordinator providing the central infrastructure, and services. To access/view services and available contents:
To know more about IDEM:
For credential and authentication problems:
Privacy Policy:
Available services through federated authentication are made available by members or partners of the Federation. For each access request, the system will release to the institution or to the provider that manage the specific service, the following informations:
- User name and surname
- E-mail address
- Persistent, not re-assignable anonymous identifier user (a string, that does not contain user information, automatically generated by the system)
- Informations on membership user from the membership organization (a user macro-profile like student, member, staff, affiliate, alumn..)